Our School

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy (NCPA) is a private, Catholic middle school serving girls of low-income families in the lower Hudson Valley. The school is located in Newburgh, NY and serves students in grades 5th-8th. Nora Cronin Presentation Academy has a charter from New York State and adheres to the requirements of the NYS Department of Education. The school follows the NativityMiguel model of schooling taking a faith based, holistic approach to education addressing academic, physical, social, emotional, moral, and spiritual needs of the student, and develops the growth of the student in all areas.

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy believes education is the pathway out of poverty. All students meet the federal standards for free or reduced lunch programs. While the cost of education is substantial (over $10,000 per student), students are charged no tuition to attend NCPA. To help offset costs, parents are asked to partner with the school by helping to serve meals, clean, perform small repairs and maintenance.

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy receives no federal, state or local public funding nor does the Archdiocese of New York or any individual parish provide any funding. NCPA is funded entirely through grants and private donations. NCPA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


Our Program

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy has a charter from New York State and adheres to the requirements of the NYS Department of Education. The school follows the NativityMiguel model of schooling taking a faith based, holistic approach to education addressing academic, physical, social, emotional, moral, and spiritual needs of the student, and develops the growth of the student in all areas. As part of this model, the school day starts early and extends past regular school hours. Students are fed breakfast before classes begin, lunch and an afternoon snack ensuring healthy eating habits are developed. After classes conclude at 3:30pm the reminder of the day is used to do homework and extra-curricular activities like computer skills, self-esteem courses, STEM, etc. until 5pm dismissal.



Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) have traditionally been areas in which females have been under represented. NCPA Puts special emphasis on STEM education to encourage our students to excel and pursue higher education and future careers in the STEM fields. NCPA has partnered with Mount Saint Mary’s College in Newburgh to develop their science lab which is utilized year round for classes as well as after school and the summer program.

ART, Music, Physical Education

In addition to core educational subjects, NCPA offers exceptional art, music and physical education programs. Students are immersed in the arts and music. They each have the opportunity to learn how to play musical instruments. They are challenged physically in PE courses and encouraged to join extra curricular athletics such as those offered by Newburgh Rowing Club.

Language Arts

Reading, writing and comprehension are at the core of every subject. NCPA often has students that enter the school in 5th grade that read and write below grade level. By the time they graduate 8th grade they are at or above grade level for English language arts preparing them for successful high school years and higher education. Grammar, reading and writing comprehension, creative writing as well as expression through speech and writing remain a focus.

Extended Day & Summer Program

Education does not end at 3pm or once June rolls around. NCPA offers an extended day program where students work on their homework and do extra-curricular activities like computer skills, self-esteem courses, STEM, etc. until 5pm dismissal. In addition, NCPA offers summer programs to keep students engaged while not attending school.


Graduate Program

NCPA is committed to their students beyond graduation. NCPA follows students through high school and college keeping is close contact with them mentoring and monitoring their education. Almost all students that attended NCPA have graduated high school and most have gone on to college, vocational school or enlisted in the military. NCPA believes education is the pathway out of poverty.


Our Impact

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy has been in continuous operation since 2006. Since then we have seen fourteen 8th grade classes graduate from our school and continue on to high school, college and vocational schools and into the workforce. Leaders in our community are built every day by Nora Cronin Presentation Academy. The future is bright because of the lanterns carried by our graduates.



Graduation Rate

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy has a 100% 8th grade graduation rate. Over 195 students have graduated and gone on to high schools since the school’s inception.

(excluded are students that moved out of the area after being enrolled at NCPA)



High School Graduation Rate

99.85 of all Nora Cronin Presentation Academy graduates have continued on and graduated from high school.



Continuing Education

98.9 percent of Nora Cronin Presentation Academy graduates go on to enroll in college, vocational schools or enlist in the military.



Young Women Impacted

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy has educated over 210 young women, and counting.